The Money Movement

Live Sessions: Fortnightly between November 2024 & February 2025

Where: All Online

Why: It's time to change your mind on money forever!


Let's clear something up right away. Wanting a better relationship with money doesn't make you greedy. Talking about money and wealth isn't inconsiderate or unethical. Desiring an easier, wealthier life for yourself does not make you a bad person.

It took me a long time to realise that. I feel slightly embarrassed at how much my own personal beliefs about money got in the way of my work and life.

I knew NOTHING about Money beliefs or what a healthy relationship with Money was. I assumed everyone thought the same as me about Money... Raising funds professionally and talking about money was hard. It always felt difficult. It was a slog and an uphill struggle much of the time.

Since then I've invested thousands of pounds and several years into dismantling my beliefs (many of which I learnt in the charity sector) so I can build a healthier, more abundant relationship with money.

This course is the culmination of what I've learned but with a super unique sector spin on it.

Read on to find out about The Money Movement and how you can get involved. Because wanting to feel more aligned and in flow when it comes to money and how it shows up is not only smart, it's empowering.

Over 6 modules you can start to build a healthier, more abundant relationship with money for yourself, your family and for all the amazing work you do.

This course is for you if...

  • You find talking about money really awkward
  • You want to make more money and know you're making a tangible difference
  • You've had enough of money worries impacting your life and work
  • You have big dreams and life purpose and know that more money would support you in reaching them

Prepare to Change Your Mind on Money Forever!

Over 6 modules we will uncover and dig into these areas....


Identifying your Money Beliefs

Identifying the Money Stories that have formed in your personal life & at work is the first step to helping you develop a more positive & aligned relationship with money. Get ready for some mega transformation!


The Charity Sector's Money Mindset and How it Impacts You

For too long charities have been forced to play small. An unlevel playing field, where those within it are constantly having to do more with less and those outside of it lose trust thanks to the slow pace of change & lack of tangible difference being made. In this module we'll address some of these issues & start to address how we can be the change that is needed.


Others Money Beliefs & Language

Learn how to deal with others opinions, behaviours & language that might be clashing with yours. From family members to supporters, the media, the charity sector, work clients or your boss. You will get practical tips & new ideas to disrupt traditional ideals and lessen the impact of unhelpful beliefs on you and your work.


The Soul & Energy of Money

Money has no inherent meaning. It takes on the meaning we give it. We can engage with it from a place of scarcity & restriction or abundance & flow. If you feel it's limited and running out it can really keep you stuck. But when money is exciting & motivating it can help you get to the life you dream of & reach your highest purpose.


The Scarcity and Limitation Lie

It's not shameful or greedy to want more. This module gives you practical exercises to help you unlearn all you thought about money and to start to THINK like someone who can achieve more, be truly expansive and have massive amounts of success.

06 How you reach new Money levels

Money is an ongoing relationship. I'll share with you life changing resources and the systems I use to keep moving on up with consistency.

Does this Resonate?

Why is it we find money talk so .... Mega Awks?! 😬

I've done a lot of work on my money beliefs in the last few years. To begin with I didn't even realise I had 'beliefs' about money. Money just was (and yes I deeply appreciate how privileged I am to be able to say that).

But as with anything when you start focusing on it more, you start to see details that you hadn't previously noticed. For example; minimising my desires to pretend I didn't really want something when Mum and Dad wouldn't pay for it. Being told repeatedly you get what you're given. Not to share your wish out loud because it won't come true. Talking about money is impolite and comes across greedy. And so it goes on and on and on.


Is it any wonder that I spent a lot of my fundraising career finding money conversations difficult? It really isn’t ideal when you're a Fundraiser (the clue's in the name). I used to hate those calls when I had to speak with supporters about raising more, or I had to chase up late payments or sponsorship, encourage my boss to invest in a new activity or idea, or negotiate a fee with a supplier. Or horror of horrors, have a conversation about my salary.


Fast forward to today, I’m self-employed and to begin with I couldn’t bear the idea of talking to clients about what it cost to work with me. I clammed up, stuttered over my words and would have rather done almost anything else than have that conversation. Which obviously made me skim over the important stuff and not articulate the value of working with me because I was anticipating the fearful MONEY bit. 😱


In over 20 years working in the charity sector I don't ever remember money mindset being discussed. I certainly was never asked; ‘how do you feel about money personally?’ or ‘what are your personal beliefs about money?’ or 'What was your relationship with money growing up?'


Because, let’s face it, your beliefs will impact how you talk to others. It's going to affect your performance if you don't find it an easy thing to discuss. It will taint the transaction and tip the balance. It will contribute to you viewing yourself as a nuisance; whether you're talking to supporters, suppliers or clients.

And it infiltrates everything. When we're not paid much that can affect self-confidence, how we view our worth, we compare ourselves with others, it can cause stress and worry and real fear.

Once I started digging into my own personal beliefs on money it became obvious that a lot of them are perpetuated by the charity sector I've worked in and with my entire career.

I've created this money course for heart centred folk, who have had enough of scarcity, lack and constraint. It includes all the things I've learnt, which has taken me from struggling to talk about money to loving it with all my heart and truly believing you can have it all... and not feeling seedy or ashamed for saying that. I know this work changes lives positively. (Read the reviews below if you want another opinion.)

Because the more heart centred people who do have money and who talk about money openly and without shame or embarrassment, the more positive impact we can make in the world. And the more we can shift the power and change the narrative.  The more we can remove barriers for people not born into privilege.

The change starts here with us!

Lets normalise talking about money in a healthy, supportive, beautiful, loving way!


This course will change your thoughts on money forever.


You ready to go on this journey together? ❤️


I would recommend this course, I've had money hang ups all my life. I've tried all kinds of different coaching to resolve it and got nowhere, this course has finally helped me break through, changed my beliefs about money and so many other things that are affected by my money beliefs.

— Julia W.


We've got A's for your Q's

How does it work?

Once you sign up below you'll be automatically enrolled in our 2024 cohort. You'll be sent access to the Private Members Only Facebook Group which is a safe space where you can chat to me and the other members about money! The first Module training materials will be available to you ahead of our first live session.

We'll share the Zoom link and live dates for the training modules and I'll be setting some pre-work to get you started on your Money Mindset journey, straight away!

How do I know it's for me?

  • Do you feel awkward or fearful talking about money?
  • Do you worry about hitting your budget or finding clients that will pay your prices?
  • Think you could earn more and make more impact if you felt more confident discussing money?
  • Fed up with money being the thing that stops you from making positive life changing choices?
  • Do you have big dreams to do more good, but feel so frustrated by the limitations & scarcity that flood the charity sector?

If you answered yes to any or all of the above, this course is for you!  

When and where do the classes take place?

The live sessions are one hour in duration and will take place fortnightly on Zoom. The replays will be sent to you to watch back anytime you wish. We will always give you 2 weeks notice of the next class date and time and if you can't join Live you can still join in your own time and post your questions in the group that I will personally answer!

We will kick off in mid November 2024.

Can you guarantee I will make / raise / receive / manifest more money?

No, I cannot guarantee that. However what I will say is through going through this process personally, I have considerably increased my income and had numerous new work opportunities & clients. I’ll break all that down in the course, along with my income levels when I was employed, where and why I plateaued, how things worked out when I went freelance and what has occurred since I started working on my money blocks (it's incredible). I believe that if you fully lean into the work, attend the sessions, do the homework and be open to seeing things differently, you will have miraculous outcomes. 

How much do I have to participate?

I fully believe in 'the more you put in the more you get out' concept. And I think you'll have more fun if you join the Live sessions and participate in the exercises and discussions with Jane.

There's one 1 hour session a month for 6 months plus written exercises in the Facebook Group where you can hang out as little or as often as you want. I'll be in there most days to answer questions and keep you on track. And there will be a few surprise bonuses along the way!

Once you're signed up you'll have lifetime access so you can repeat the whole course again and again or dip in and dip out as you wish.  

What if I can't make the live dates, how can I watch the training?

You'll be sent the replay after the live session to watch back in your own time. You'll also have lifetime access to the training and all the resources in the Members Facebook Group.

Does my location matter?

The training is 100% online so you can be anywhere in the world (as long as you have an internet connection!). The times of the live Classes will always be between 11am & 2pm (GMT or BST).  

Do you offer a money back guarantee?

I'm confident you'll love this training. It's my absolute favourite thing to teach and I've already received fantastic feedback. However, if you attend the first two Live sessions and participate in the Facebook Group and do the exercises and decide its not for you, let me know and I'll give you your money back. No hard feelings, because I want you to love being a Money Movement Member and feel really amazing about making this investment in you and your future self.

Does my job role matter?

This course has been created with Freelancers, Fundraisers and those working in or with the Charity Sector in mind. However, anyone who wants to gain a more healthy relationship with Money will massively benefit from attending.  

I'm not sure now is the right time

You've read this far for a reason. Only you know if now is the right time for you.

For me, hand on heart, I wish I'd started uncovering my money blocks years ago. The difference it would have made to my work, sense of self worth, the amount of time I wasted worrying about money which could have been put to so much better use, the income I could have raised, the salary I could have earned, it would have been a game changer.

Less stress, less time working on jobs I hated, more time with my family and friends, more freedom, more me time.

So the question to you is, if not now, when?

Plans & Pricing

Pay Monthly

  • 6 x Monthly Online Training Sessions
  • Editable and downloadable worksheets to support the lessons
  • Lifetime Access to the Money Movement Members Facebook Group
  • 6 x Automatic Monthly Payments
  • A 60 minute money masterplan 121 check in


Sign me up

Pay in One Go

  • 6 x Monthly Online Training Sessions
  • Editable and downloadable worksheets to support the lessons
  • Lifetime Access to the Money Movement Members Facebook Group
  • A 60 minute money masterplan 121 check in (Value: £297)
  • Save £££ on Pay Monthly

£577one off payment

VIP Option

  • 6 x Monthly Online Training Sessions
  • Editable and downloadable worksheets to support the lessons
  • Lifetime Access to the Money Movement Members Facebook Group
  • 3 x 60 minute money masterplan 121 check ins (Value: £897)
  • A Downloadable Money Making Journal

£1,111 one off payment

Honestly I cannot tell you how much The Money Movement course has changed my life, it's remarkable.


Hi, I'm Jane.

I'm a Freelance mentor, trainer, consultant and event specialist with over 20 years charity sector experience.

What's clear to me since leaving the charity sector and investing a heap of time and money into my own personal development is we have got a lot of stuff wrong.

Skills in the sector are often prioritised over personal growth, but all the skills in the world won't result in change if the person learning them doesn't feel confident, worthy and empowered.

My one off money mindset sessions have received fantastic feedback but we were barely scratching the surface. Delivering 6 modules over 6 months allows us to go much deeper and uncover more of the stuff keeping you stuck. It allows much more transformational results for you. With the pay in full and VIP options you also get 121 time with me to really dig deep on your unique money blocks and uncover what's keeping you stuck.

I want the best for you so you can continue to change the world and fulfil your life's purpose and be fully supported by money whilst doing so. It's not only possible, it's inevitable when you decide it is.

You can start today to build a healthier, more abundant relationship with money for yourself, your family and for the incredible work you do!


Change your mind on money forever

Join the Money Movement!

Sign Up Now